Healthy Gardening Tips

Since a lot of us are staying home more often, we are tending to our yards way more than we have in the past. Lawns are looking extra green, less weeds are in our flower beds, and new structures have been created. We love that you are getting out of the house and enjoying the sun while working in the yard… there is something very grounding about the experience. Here is a video from Martha Stewart and CBS Sunday Morning about the art of gardening.

Despite the many health benefits associated with doing yard work (appropriate sun exposure/fresh air and able to improve full range of motion of your body, strength, and balance), there may be some more aches and pains. That is ok! Here are some tips to help reduce aches and pains.

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Perform a mini warm up (walking, stretching, squats, etc.)
  • Wear appropriate clothing and shoes
  • Know your limits for lifting and if you are lifting, use proper squat and deadlift form
  • Remember… unless pain is persistant and you can’t physically change your pain, having some aches in your body is normal and a part of our life experience.